
Tuco’s state machines are declared as classes and they must have a container object, it can be a simple object or a class which represents the model in a database. The idea is that it will only mutate the inner object if the event is allowed to be executed:

from tuco import FSM, properties

class ExampleCreditCardFSM(FSM):
    """Credit card FSM."""

    # You can customize the initial state of your state machine
    initial_state = 'new'
    # The attribute in your model which holds the current state of it
    state_attribute = 'current_state'

    # Final states don't have any attribute and cannot be changed from it to another state
    event_error = properties.FinalState()
    state_error = properties.FinalState()

    # The state names are the same as the attribute name
    new = properties.State(
        # States can have events which change it to other states
                # Events must have a name but potentially they could also be an enum
                # When executed, this event will change to a state and it *MUST* be present in the class
                # the meta class which generates the FSM class will make sure you put a right value
                # In case of any error you can force it ot go to a state no matter what
        # Errors can exist per event or per state

    authorisation_pending = properties.State(

    capture_pending = properties.State(
            properties.Event('Capture', 'paid'),
        # States can have a timeout which is useful in this case when a payment was never captured so you could
        # cancel an order or send an email to alert people
        timeout=properties.Timeout(timedelta(days=7), 'timeout_test'),
        # In case you want to call something when the state machine is changed to this state
        on_enter=[lambda object_holder: True]

    timeout_test = properties.FinalState()

    paid = properties.State(
            properties.Event('Refund', 'refund_pending',
                             # You can specify commands to run when an event is executed, in this case could be
                             # a call to the credit card company to refund the order
                             commands=[lambda object_holder: True]),

    finished = properties.State(
            properties.Event('ChargeBack', 'charged_back'),
            properties.Event('Refund', 'refunded'),

    refund_pending = properties.State(
            properties.Event('Refund', 'refunded'),

    refunded = properties.FinalState()
    charged_back = properties.FinalState()

The state machine will be validated when it gets parsed by Python interpreter and below you can find a visual representation of this state machine.


And to actually use the state machine you can construct it with an object holder/database model.

class Order(db.Model):
    """An example order class."""
    current_state = db.Column(db.String())
    current_state_date = db.Column(db.Timestamp(True))

order = Order(current_state='new')
fsm = ExampleCreditCardFSM(order)

Example snippets

Here are some usage examples based in a SQLAlchemy environment, they should be adapted to your code reality.

Implementing FSM changelog

In case you need to audit changes in an object which store states you can use some decorators and make it happen quite easily.

from tuco.decorators import on_change

class FSMLog(db.Model):
    """A SQLAlchemy table which could have all the changes of a state machine."""
    old_state = db.Column(db.String)
    new_state = db.Column(db.String)
    table = db.Column(db.String)
    table_id = db.Column(db.Integer)

class YourLoggingFSM(FSM):
    """All your classes would need to subclass this afterwards."""

    def current_time(self):
        """Set all dates to UTC so we can calculate dates before committing to the database."""
        return super().current_time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)

    def log_changes(self, old_state, new_state):
        """After every successful state change this method will be called.

        :param old_state: A shallow copy of the holder object.
        :param new_state: The changed version of the object holder.
        if not

        initial_state = 'initial_state'
        old_state = old_state.current_state or initial_state
        new_state = new_state.current_state

        log = FSMLog(old_state=old_state, new_state=new_state,


Implementing a timeout tracker

In case you want to keep track of all objects that are in a specific state where it has a timeout configured you can use this example to save in a table where you could have a worker to pull them and do the required work.

from inspect import isclass
from tuco.decorators import on_change

def fully_qualified_name(cls_or_instance):
    """Full qualified name of a class or instance.

    :param cls_or_instance: Class or instance
    :return str: Full qualified name
    if not isclass(cls_or_instance):
        cls_or_instance = cls_or_instance.__class__

    return cls_or_instance.__module__ + '.' + cls_or_instance.__qualname__

class FSMTimeout(db.Model):
    """A SQLAlchemy table which could have all objects in a specific state where there is a timeout configured."""

    fsm_class = db.Column(db.String)
    model_class = db.Column(db.String)
    current_state = db.Column(db.String)
    model_id = db.Column(db.Integer)

class TimeoutTrackerFSM(FSM):
    """All your classes would need to subclass this afterwards."""

    def track_timeout(self, old_state, new_state):
        """After every successful state change this method will be called.

        :param old_state: A shallow copy of the holder object.
        :param new_state: The changed version of the object holder.
        if not

        # This is used in case you need to import the fsm_class back again and it would store the whole path of the
        # class like `tuco.some.fsm.CreditCardFSM`.
        fsm_class = fully_qualified_name(self)
        model_class = fully_qualified_name(self.container_object)

        # First delete timeout of old states attached to this object.
        if old_state != initial_state and getattr(self._states[old_state], 'timeout'):
                fsm_class=fsm_class, model_class=model_class,

        # Add a new timeout for the current object
        if getattr(self.current_state_instance, 'timeout', None):
            timeout = FSMTimeout(
                fsm_class=fsm_class, model_class=model_class,
      , current_state=new_state,
                time_to_execute=(datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) +

Using events with enums instead of simple strings

In case you want to have a sane event naming, probably it is better to use constants or Python’s enum module. Here is a simple python3.6+ example:

import enum
from datetime import datetime

from tuco import FSM, properties

class Holder:
    id: int
    current_state: str
    current_state_date: datetime

    def __init__(self, id, current_state, current_state_date): = id
        self.current_state = current_state
        self.current_state_date = current_state_date

class Events(enum.Enum):
    start =
    finish =

class SomeFSM(FSM):
    new = properties.State(events=[properties.Event(Events.start, 'started')])
    started = properties.State(events=[properties.Event(Events.finish, 'finished')])
    finished = properties.FinalState()

holder = Holder(1, 'new', datetime.utcnow())
fsm = SomeFSM(holder)
assert fsm.trigger(Events.start)
assert fsm.current_state == 'started'
assert len(fsm.possible_events) == 1
assert fsm.possible_events[0].event_name == Events.finish
assert fsm.trigger(Events.finish)
assert fsm.current_state == 'finished'